Monday, March 2, 2009

What is “character set” and how to test “Character Set”:

Character set: A defined list of characters recognized by the computer hardware and software. Each character is represented by a number.The ASCII character set, for example, uses the numbers 0 through 127 to represent all English characters as well as special control characters.

How to test Character set:

Scenario 1:

1) If you have admin rights for your web application, you can see an option for changing character set in main settings field. It will be normally displayed as “UTF-8”
2) Now Go to the site and change the UTF set in your browser via View--character encoding--more encoding--UTF-16
After choosing the UTF-16 check whether the texts in the site displayed properly or not?

Scenario 2:
1) Change the character set from UTF-8 into UTF-16 in admin and save changes
2) Now go to the site and change the UTF set and language to check whether site displays the texts properly or not.
To change language go to View--character encoding--Auto detect

Scenario 3:
1) After changing UTF character set in admin, check with the pop up’s and flash players in the site.
2) Sometimes change in UTF character set will results in pop up display and flash player display in the site (i.e.) pop up’s in the site and player will not display properly

Note: Test the above scenarios in all the major browsers.

If you know more about character set and testing of character set, kindly write down in comments section or send an e-mail to me.

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